Application Timeline
We're so glad that you're interested in applying to be a Sally Ride fellow this year! We're here to help elevate the presence and visibility of the LGBTQ+ community in aerospace, and if you'd like to help us do that then take a look at the application below!
1. Confirm Eligibility
2. Gather Materials
3. Request Letters of Recommendation
4. Decide Host Institutions
5. Create Essays
6. Review Application and Submit!
The Sally Ride Fellowship Program is open to any student who:
Your resume should be no more than two pages in length and include your current GPA (Exceptions for first semester freshman who do not yet have a GPA). Your resume’s file name should be titled as “[Last Name]_[First Name]_Resume”.
Your university transcript can be unofficial, although official transcript is required upon selection into program. Your transcript’s file name should be "[Last Name]_[First Name]_Transcript".
It's hard to get to know an applicant in only a few essays, so in order to help with our assessment process, we need the help of the people who know you best. For your application, you'll need (2) recommendation letters. Please limit the length of your recommendations to 2 pages each at the most.
These letters will need to be sent via the recommender's email to as a pdf attachment with the following naming convention: "[Last Name]_[First Name]_Recommendation".
If you make it to the 2nd round of the application, you will be asked to select the top 3 host companies you'd be interested in having your internship at for the summer. These companies will be added to the host institution page as they come in, and a final list will be provided along with information about the positions they are looking to fill to the semi-finalists. We will take your preference into consideration when matching you with a company to work at, so make sure to research the host institutions ahead of time to find your best match!
As part of your application, you are required to submit (1) short essay of 250 words or less, (1) long essay of 650 words, and (1) additional piece which can be in the form of another long essay or multimedia submission. The prompts for these submissions are shown below, and you can select any two prompts from the list for your multimedia and long essay submissions. The multimedia submission can be pretty much anything that isn't a written prose essay. Some examples of possible submissions could be pieces of art, video submissions (3-5 minutes), works of fiction (650 word limit), poems, etc. The limit on file size is 250MB, and the piece should be able to be reviewed within a 5 minute window to allow us to review all applications in a timely manner.
Short Essay Prompt (250 word limit)
What does being a part of the LGBTQ+ community mean to you?
Long Essay or Multimedia Submission (Choose 2, 650 word limit, 250MB file size)
Make sure to review your application thoroughly before submitting it. It often helps to have another person look at it as well, and we encourage all applicants to join our community Discord server so you can chat with other applicants and the Sally Ride Fellowship team about your application.
To find a qualified candidate, we look beyond just your GPA or school and seek to find voices that need to be heard. Every application will be reviewed by our executive review team to make sure every candidate gets a fair shot. From the applications, the top candidates will be selected for a 30-minute phone interview to further assess their passion for the aerospace industry and compatibility with our host companies.
Following the interview, the finalist candidates are matched with multiple host companies for interviews, and each company will select candidates from the final pool of applicants. The Sally Ride Fellowship Program will then complete the placement by notifying each Fellow of their acceptance in December 2024 or January 2025. Fellows begin their internships in May or June 2025.
A lot of our commonly asked questions can be answered on our FAQ page below!